Temporary Temple

"Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destory the temple of God, God will destory him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are." - 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Everyday life with Jesus means a constant flow of fresh revelation and insight on this journey with Christ. Follow along on my 'footsteps of faith' and read to see how our bodies are a temporary temple here on earth. Unlike my other blog posts, I'm going to tie in physical wellness with spiritual wellness and how the two go hand in hand. 

A bright light idea 'popped' into my head while having quality time with my friend. We were out on the lake in a kayak enjoying the evening and trolling a fishing pole behind us. While paddling across the lake we stirred some issues up. Talking about different insecurities within our physical bodies. While approaching the shore the thought occurred. We have a 'temporary temple' what we say, what we eat affects us. Effects how we function through life.

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Lies destroy our temple

Our souls are within us - and yes we can do major damage. Words can either bring life or death to yourself and others. What lies have you been told? Physical appearance is a h u g e issue, with the way social media is you can access anyone or anything. The big issue is, Satan is after our identity. He doesn't want us stepping into our created destiny: Roles as sons + daughter, as mothers, and fathers. To be men and women. 

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Ladies the enemy is after our femininity. Questions of "am I not girly enough? , what if I don't like dresses? Question after question about our sexuality. Questions like this can easily turn into lies from the world, lies we were never to question. God has a design for each male and female. A custom design for your life, your lifestyle, and choices. It's time to tell the world to shut up and just be you. Be who God has created y o u to be. Let our testimonies of the past not define who we are today, let the devil know NOT TODAY, because we have over come by the blood of the lamb (Revelation 12:11). It's time to speak life and truth over yourself. Declare God's promises over your life, speak to body parts you've cursed. Ask to be made new. The blood of Jesus cleanses our sin as far as the east is from the west. Call upon the Spirit of Christ to wash you clean. 

Clean Eats

The past month I've decided to go vegetation. Over time I have started cutting meat out of my diet. Simple changes from ground beef tacos to black beans tacos. I started to acquire the taste of veggies and prefer them over meat. God intended us to eat clean, in order to feel good and live healthly. Our temple is a beautiful piece of machinery made to function with clean eating. Straight from the garden not overly processed with corn, starch, wheat, and sugar. I hope this journey of mine encourages you, here's to starting a new season!

Ps. I'm now living in Lausanne, Switzerland taking a bible seminar with Youth with a Mission. I can't wait for all the amazing things God has in store for me. This is such a big dream of mine. Follow along and look through the lens of Jesus as I capture his fingerprints.