To know God

My adventure with Jesus has been one giant G L O R Y bomb! Exploding with tons of love, and break through.

|| Week 8_Co-Create_Joseph Avakian ||

Life is like a blank canvas. We have so many options and decisions on how to fill in the frame. Myself as a photographer I get to choose the subject in front of my lens. Yes I will make mistakes. Yes I will fail..and from every failure there’s a lesson that is taught. Joseph taught on his success with the Lord, and how simply he pulls Jesus into his art work. He taught us to co-create with God. How? Invite Him. Ask for ideas, ask to see what He wants you to see. Give me your eyes Jesus. This week has opened my eyes. Opened my eyes to dream big, and to capture the beauty this world has to offer. 

T U N E into His Voice


Week 9 & 10| Outreach training

In only 6 days, I’ll be leaving to Brazil.. wow. My lecture phase has flown by. Week 9 was cooperate week, were all the DTS came together. We learned how  to make disciples, and to keep the gospel simple. To Go, Gather, Pray, and Guide. || Cross Culture with Andrew + Terry York || This past week made me so pumped for Brazil. I learned much about culture and how my culture defines ‘who I am’. More importantly that “There is beauty in being different”-Terry York. They taught on how to respect others and how our comments is how we judge the culture. In the amidst of it all my heart is to honor and serve.

B.R.A.Z.I.L get ready, we are coming for you!