What a year it has been, as I sit and reflect on the year I am flooded with all the promises, goals, and prayers God has fulfilled in 2016. New friendships, falling in love, and growing a deeper compassion for people. This year has been one for the books. I came to God with a burning heart for unity, family, and for people to invest into my life. To not walk the Christian walk but run the Christian race. I am blown away by the blessings and answered prayers that took place. Two words: His faithfulness.

This time last year I had to make a decision either to stay in Medford or go back to Hawai'i and staff as a missionary with YWAM. I felt the Lord was opening both options. I felt as If I was at an intersection and God was waiting to see which turn I make. Jesus is a wonderful Father who blesses many options for our life, It is part of the 'free will' He has given us. I am so glad I stayed in Oregon. Compassion is a word God gave me for 2016. This word has had a big meaning for this part year. I discovered a new compassion towards others and all the different walks/ seasons we have. To have compassions I realized I needed to be real and vulnerable with others. A big part is being honest with myself and before God. 

I had a vision the beginning of 2016 Jesus showed me a diamond saying "Heather you will sparkle in new ways this year". I have discovered new things about myself this year, and being in a relationship with someone you love will show the imperfections in your life and how selfish one can be. I see such beauty from the ashes and healing of our mind, body, spirit, and soul.  

To sum 2016 up God blessed me with so much love + favor. I've met people who have impacted my life for the greater. Most obvious is Isaac, my Island boyfriend. Isaac has been the best friend I didn't think I needed. God knew I needed not only a man to love but a best friend to share my life with and share the love of Christ together. To have a partner to run the race and for the Lord to write our love story together. Down below I added a few of my favorite images from 2016. 

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Farewell 2016, heres to new adventures!