
vibrating - blinking - binging

are the sounds of our smartphones, craving attention. Our automatic response might sound something like this: should I respond quickly? wait a while? or ignore... 

In the past two weeks, I’ve heard a few teachings on how hurry and distraction are the cause of depression, anxiety, and isolation. This hard reality made me notice how much noise I deal with daily from emails to texts and calls to answer, research to do, and on top of it all my social media accounts to stay current.

Becoming more aware of this teaching, I started to notice the patterns - an overwhelming experience with notification after notification calling my attention. As an American - we are known for our freedom. The land of plenty the land of many opportunities and options. Getting to the point we have almost too many options - as I look at my brother's generation Gen Z, I hear the stories of depression, suicide, and anxiety. 

The cycle continues to which profession to choose, to the type of car, and even down to the Netflix movie/ tv show to watch. I find myself becoming paralyzed when my kitchen fridge is full - my creativity to create becomes overstimulated with the number of opinions.  Same with entertainment I search for the right movie on Netflix and often find myself, jumping over to Amazon prime and end up jump back to Netflix still stuck,

I believe distraction is the enemy's way of keeping us from moving forward, being present. Self-awareness, being aware of our surroundings, becoming bored to help self reflect what’s going on inside us. To stop and deal with the insecurities, fears, and lies. To look into another’s soul and share a moment of vulnerability, and dependency.  Today, I’ve been in bed all day due to being sick - and for me, therapy is writing my thoughts and processing what’s been on my heart on paper, it’s a way to pour out to be filled again tomorrow. I’ve been reminded to slow down and just be. 

I would love to hear your thoughts, what helps you to live in the moment? Is it reflecting with a friend over coffee? Taking time out of your day to write and journal, or is it meditation to slow down be aware of His presence and breath.

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